Why Read This Guide

This guide will walk you through four key steps to help protect your friends and family members from financial abuse. It is important to watch out for signs of financial abuse and take steps to help your loved one if needed.

Four key steps of successful intervention:

  • Prevent – educate yourself, your loved ones, and your community
  • Recognize – spot the warning signs and take action
  • Record – document what you observe
  • Report – tell the appropriate authorities so they can investigate and help


Image of Alma

Alma’s story

Throughout this guide, we will use a scenario where you have concerns about a family member or friend named Alma who lives in a nursing home or assisted living community. Imagine Alma is having some trouble keeping track of her money and recognizing when others try to take advantage of her. You may have concerns that someone will try to steal Alma’s money or property. You want to find ways to help Alma.